The Burning Moon
Directed by Olaf Ittenbach
In 1992, writer/director/special effects master Olaf Ittenbach changed the face of video horror, force-fed its ripped-out eyeballs to screaming audiences, then used a drill, machete and shotgun on its still-twitching torso: Ittenbach himself stars as a degenerate junkie who babysits his young sister with two bedtime stories of the damned. First, an escaped serial killer turns date night into a graphic family massacre. Then a country priest on a rape and murder spree leads to a disturbingly explicit descent into Hell. It became the VHS that shocked America. It has been banned in its Motherland for nearly 20 years. And it remains perhaps the most violent and depraved shot-on-video saga in history. This is THE BURNING MOON.
A degenerate babysits his young sister with two bedtime stories of the damned.
Cast: Beate Neumeyer, Bernd Muggenthaler, Ellen Fischer
Member Reviews
Quite possibly the lowest-quality movie I've ever seen. The acting is awful, the story is simply filler for the cartoonish gore, and the production seriously looks like a home movie from the 80s. An absolute waste of time.
a TRUE horror movie!! Not for wimps!!
Unbelievable piece of shit. Not scary. Not funny. No social commentary. Not even horror. Just straight up "look how much blood and guts I can throw at you".
Brilliant low-budget nihilistic brutality. I couldn't look away.
Boring as hell until the last 15 minutes, after that...the fun begins. Outdated effects, but when you throw so much at the audience at once, a few are bound to stick.