Directed by Mitchell Lichtenstein
In this satirical feminist horror from director Mitchell Lichtenstein, high school student Dawn (Jess Weixler) struggles to suppress her burgeoning teenage desires when she falls for classmate, Tobey. Vowing to stay celibate at her weekly chastity meetings, Dawn continues to struggle with teenage hormones when her lustful stepbrother makes sexual advances towards her. When Dawn becomes the victim of a sexual violent encounter, she discovers that she suffers from a rare affliction: she's living proof of the vagina dentata myth. Exploring her body for the first time, Dawn learns the pain and power that comes from her unique anatomy. Contains strong language, sexual scenes, violence and gore.
High schooler Dawn learns she's living proof of the vagina dentata myth.
Cast: Jess Weixler, John Hensley, Josh Pais, Lenny Von Dohlen
Member Reviews
great film
Boring with no real direction, just ridiculous
Firmly tongue in cheek from start to finish. Brilliant if taken for what it is 👏🏼
Interesting. Not what I expected. Not gunna lie.