Eaten Alive
Directed by Tobe Hooper
A crazy veteran's backwoods hotel comes complete with a hungry, hungry crocodile in Tobe Hooper's fearsome follow up to THE TEXAS CHAINSAW MASSACRE. But the killer croc's not the only horror icon in this twisted tale - Hooper also cast the original Morticia Addams, Carolyn Jones, scream queen Marilyn Burns, and future Freddy Krueger Robert Englund in supporting roles. Using a wild beast instead of a man with a chainsaw, Hooper serves up another chilling cautionary tale about pissing off the wrong folks when traveling through the wild backcountry of America.
A crazy veteran's backwoods hotel comes complete with a hungry, hungry crocodile.
Cast: Neville Brand, Mel Ferrer, Carolyn Jones, Robert Englund
Member Reviews
My parents live in the sticks in that county in Texas…can confirm all this is in character
Only half way through the movie and I am really enjoying it so far. Regardless how many skulls I think it deserves, I’m gonna give it 5 to make up for Reggie being a sensitive boy.
Surprised that I never heard of this movie. It’s maybe one of the most disturbing animal-horror-movies I have seen. It’s easy to see it was made by the same director of the original Texas Chainsaw Massacre it has the same gritty look and sound design and the main antagonist and some other characters are crazy as hell. It also has some pretty brutal kills especially for it’s time.
Lost me at "crazy veteran." Would give it no stars if I could. Did not watch, will not watch. People got a right to act in and watch what they want. Pile on me if you want to. That tag is an insult to ALL veterans.
You can tell its from the director of texas chainsaw massacre it has a gritty feel. I liked it didn't love it but its a enjoyable cult type of movie with alot of really eccentric characters definitely something to go in with low expectations but as a horror fan youll still like it.