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The Last Drive-in With Joe Bob Briggs

The Last Drive-in With Joe Bob Briggs

Proving once again that “the drive-in will never die,” iconic horror host and exploitation movie aficionado Joe Bob Briggs is back with a new season Fridays on Shudder TV and Sundays on demand. Every week, The Last Drive-In series offers an eclectic pairing of films, running the gamut from horror classics to obscurities and international cult favorites. And from time to time, special surprise guests will drop in on Joe Bob and Darcy the Mail Girl.


Member Reviews

Phantom Of The Opera is a historical, cinematic landmark. From the compositions, the sets and the iconic make-up, this is an on-going work in progress that continues to thrill as new footage and layers are unearthed. We are so lucky to have had this piece of history be given the Joe Bob treatment.

1 day ago

Ngl I can't stand Joe Bob's need to insert politics into the script while also railing against politics in his horror. I still enjoy all the fun facts and getting to experience what watching horror hosts in the 80s was like, but his lack of self-awareness really requires one less skull. Was gonna make it 2 skulls but I love having Darcy push back against him during his tirades and funnily lowkey get him to look stupid. Luv my girl Darcy, + 1 skull back!

1 day ago

Joe Bob and Darcy for life, only reason to sub to Shudder!!!

1 day ago

Worst movie pick ever my jaw dropped 3 feet when Joe Bob announced it because it just so NOT the Last Drive in Fare but did enjoy Joe Bob' and Darcie'scommentary and the background information about the film. God knows it's more interesting than the actual film. However OPERA and the ravens saved the day.

1 day ago

Sure is a lot of whingeing happening in the credits. If you don't like Darcy. . . don't watch. Obviously, Joe Bob does and most of the non-incel horror population does. But just stop WHINING. you hate Darcy. Then. Don't. Watch.

1 day ago