The Last Drive-in: Just Joe Bob
All the rants, raves, reviews you can handle... without the movies. Gather round with JBB, Darcy and the whole Drive-in crew for the segments and commentary from all of The Last Drive-in. No films, just Joe Bob.
Member Reviews
when we getting 25 and 26 come on guys slaking
So many episodes removed and no schedule of any kind
I was excited for this. Loved Joe Bob as a kid- So much better as an adult now that I get his humour and stories.
Started watching The last Drive in to night from season 1, didn’t know what to expect. Thought I would be watching movies with intervening Commentary during breaks. Better still don’t have to sit through what may be crappy movies but get to laugh my head off at Joe Bobs amazing him out instead. Just love it. Am addicted.
Try not to delete my post a third time, it's not that hard. Glad to, finally, see these updated again. The Changeling, season 1 (4, here) and Troma's War, season 2 (7, here) are still missing, however, and have been since before updating was 'paused' for years. Because of that, Just Joe Bob has never been complete. Can we, finally, get this completed and continuously updated, please?