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Joe Bob's Vicious Vegas Valentine

Joe Bob's Vicious Vegas Valentine

This Valentine's Day, legendary horror host Joe Bob Briggs makes history and officiates the wedding of two fans on-air while hosting a double-helping of films about the ultimate nightmare: True Love! RSVP to join Joe Bob, Darcy the Mailgirl, and the rest of The Last Drive-In crew as they bring two young lovers together under the neon and glitz of Las Vegas - only on SHUDDER!

Member Reviews

Joe Bob has balls of steel to show this for a Valentine wedding special.

3 months ago

I did a big cry at the end!

4 months ago

I've been watching Joe Bob since TMC! I was ecstatic when Shudder brought him back. However, the show's new direction—putting Darcy front and center—is horrific. Most of us watch because we enjoy Joe Bob and his encyclopedic knowledge base. Lately, this has been going the way of the dinosaur, with tired cliché skits and Darcy providing little, if any, value. Give her her own show; if her fan base is as big as Shudder and her defenders claim, let the fans (and her ratings) decide whether it succeeds or fails. But leave Joe Bob alone!

5 months ago

I'd be a little more willing to believe Jorg's claims that he never really wanted to he a filmmaker before Nekromantik if Nekromantik wasn't the 14th film he directed. I can't get past that. But what a movie, it really packs a punch. Fun times with Joe Bob and Darcy hitchin'folks up, Vegas style.

9 months ago

I went to the Joe Bob Live in Las Vegas and I must say that it was deader then I thought it would be. If they would have dropped the admission price, then it would have been better all around. I know friends who wanted to go, put couldn't pay $$$'s. I honestly felt like I should have been paid to sit there for the taping. Didn't Joe Bob start going to the Drive In way back when, because the Movie theatres were charging too much on admission?

10 months ago