Joe Bob's Haunted Halloween Hangout
For his fourth Halloween special on Shudder, The World’s Foremost Drive-In Movie Critic leaves no plastic skull, fake spider, or foam tombstone behind in his mission to celebrate the Samhain season the RIGHT way for once. Leaving nothing to chance, Joe Bob and Darcy enlist the help of a very special guest: the Mistress of the Dark herself, Cassandra Peterson!
Member Reviews
If I have to read one more review bashing Darcy I’m going to lose my mind. Get over yourselves people, she’s not going anywhere!
I've been watching Joe Bob since TMC! I was ecstatic when Shudder brought him back. However, the show's new direction—putting Darcy front and center—is horrific. Most of us watch because we enjoy Joe Bob and his encyclopedic knowledge base. Lately, this has been going the way of the dinosaur, with tired cliché skits and Darcy providing little, if any, value. Give her her own show; if her fan base is as big as Shudder and her defenders claim, let the fans (and her ratings) decide whether it succeeds or fails. But leave Joe Bob alone!
popcorn is a classic.
pretty good
awesome joe bob series, i give it 5 skulls