Joe Bob's Halloween Hootenanny
Joe Bob and Darcy return to THE LAST DRIVE-IN to celebrate the holy month of October in style: with a triple-feature so on-brand for the season that it'll turn your hair (and your Captain Kirk mask) white.
Member Reviews
The only reason that I subscribe to the Shudder channel is Joe Bob. I pay $80 a year to be able to see Joe Bob now. If I may make a suggestion I agree with what 1 of the gentlemen wrote about how shudder should give Joe Bob his own webpage. I think that is a great suggestion with how much money we all spend. For Shudder, I would bet that 60% Shudder clients only purchase it because of Joe Bob. Now, I'm getting to the meat and potatoes of my comment. Darcy is a big Tom Atkins fan as so am. I Now here's what I suggest. Have a double feature of Tom Hankins first. Both Darcy and my favorite Halloween part 3 then followed by Night of the Creeps 'Thrill Me' both have Tom both are excellent movies for comments and reviews by you. Joe Bob and who knows. . maybe you could even get Tom Atkins to come on film. Let Darcy be the referee between you and Tom Atkins. I put 10 bucks on Tom Atkins just because of how some of his characters have been. But my favorite would be $10 on you. So we would probably break even but I'd most definitely think that Joe Bob needs to have his own website and the two double features as I said should be Halloween 3 followed by nyla cruz what do you all say??
Love these movies, love Joe Bob!
Cops do it by the book!
So Rachel found a cheat code and it’s play dead on Mike, and he won’t touch you at all. She could drive manual but she couldn’t change gears on Brady. The opening scene is the best by far.
I agree with Darcy. I enjoyed Halloween III: Season Of The Witch.