Directed by Rod Hardy
A vampire cult kidnaps a descendant of the evil, blood-crazed Countess Bathory, hoping to reboot her depraved legacy and create a vampire master race. Now Kate must try to escape from the Brotherhood’s human blood farm, but the group’s leaders, David Hemmings (DEEP RED) and Henry Silva (ALLIGATOR) and their ultra-evil female henchmen, won’t be so easily outsmarted. This Ozploitation classic starring Chantal Contouri (THE DAY AFTER HALLOWEEN) is one of the most unique vampire movies ever made, and a direct precursor to 2009’s Australian cult vampire flick DAYBREAKERS.
A vampire cult kidnaps a descendant of the evil blood-crazed Countess Bathory.
Cast: Chantal Contouri, Shirley Cameron, Max Phipps, David Hemmings, Henry Silva
Member Reviews
I didnt find this boring, slow paced oh yes but its only 93 minutes so it really doesnt drag on like others say it does. the acting isnt bad some performances leave alot to be desired but much of the cast is solid. The ending however is a little disappointing and really feels like the film just stops as opposed to feeling it had a conclusion not a bad film overall tho and is exceptionally directed.
Now i didnt find this boring
This film is literally me. -Dangerous Dave
I enjoyed this film which has a 1970's cult classic vibe to it (though didn't understand the ending)
Very odd and not so much in a fun way