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Them (ils)

Them (ils)

Directed by David Moreau

A group of hooded strangers stalk a couple in this French horror film par excellance. Clementine, a French teacher living in Romania with her husband Lucas, arrives home one ordinary evening. But in the middle of the night strange things start happening, and soon the couple's being pursued and tormented by a group of hooded strangers. Will they make it out alive? And why have they been targeted? Critically acclaimed upon its release, THEM - along with films like HIGH TENSION, INSIDE, and MARTYRS - hooked the rest of the world on gruesome Gallic gore-fests. (In French with English Subtitles) Contains violence and gore.

A group of evil strangers stalk a couple in this French horror film par excellance.

Cast: Olivia Bonamy, Michael Cohen, Adriana Mocca

Member Reviews

The idea is certainly interesting, and the execution does work on some levels, but essentially wrapping up the film with a concluding title card seemed like a missed opportunity, and so while it had potential, it left me feeling rather cheated.

1 month ago

Atmospheric and wonderful set, but certain characters are frustratingly weapon-averse.

1 month ago

This is what I generally expect from horror; dark, atmospheric, the feeling of dread throughout, and the absence of a sappy happy ending. Certain elements made think of Bertino's "The Strangers", another great movie in the home invasion subgenre.

1 month ago

Short and sweet. Also, it looked like it was shot using France's first camera phone.

1 month ago

Great movie! Very suspenseful. The jump scares were very fun. The couple acted very dumb at times (like being so loud when they were trying to escape the house or hide in the woods), but all in all the "surprise" towards the end was shocking, and I love how a movie doesn't have to be filled with gore for it to be scary. Really enjoyed it for a solid 4 skulls.

1 month ago