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The Toolbox Murders

The Toolbox Murders

Directed by Dennis Donnelly

A madman stalks and kills female victims using the items in his toolbox. Mario Bava regular Cameron Mitchell (BLOOD AND BLACK LACE) is Vance, the serial killer who seeks revenge - in the form of rape and murder - on any "sinners" he comes across. But when a detective visits Vance's family, it sets off a creepy chain of events that escalates until the shocking finale. One of the most well-known grindhouse films of the '70s, TOOLBOX MURDERS was savaged by critics for its extreme-violence but later found a big cult of fans on home video.

A madman stalks and kills female victims using the items in his toolbox.

Cast: Cameron Mitchell, Pamelyn Ferdin, Wesley Eure

Member Reviews

Good and Weird

9 months ago

I know theres a remake with one of my favorite horror actresses Angela Bettis but I've never seen it and it's only reason this movies title rang a bell for me. When it starts I feel very disturbed and grossed out by it but it was a real horror movie then it went in a different direction. Turns into a mystery hostage situation and as a viewer i need some story too so I appreciate that. Overall it was pretty decent and interesting to see it's based on a true story has a powerful ending for sure.

10 months ago

The majority of the movie was so-so, but the ending really hits you like a train.

1 year ago

honestly pretty good for what it is. not in my list of favorites though. I understand what they were going for with the long drawn out scene's of sexuality but it was a little much. I'm looking forward to seeing the remake, this premise could work great with a few tweaks.

1 year ago

not nearly as good as the 2004 reboot but halfway decent

1 year ago