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The Shed

The Shed

Directed by Frank Sabatella

Stan and his best friend Dommer have put up with bullies their entire lives. All of that changes when Stan discovers he has a murderous vampire living in his shed. Seeing the bloodshed and destruction the monster is capable of, Stan knows he has to find a way to destroy it. But Dommer has a much more sinister plan in mind.

When Stan discovers a murderous vampire living in his shed, he knows he must destroy it. But his best friend Dommer has a much more sinister plan.

Cast: Jay Jay Warren, Cody Kostro, Sofia Happonen, Timothy Bottoms, Frank Whaley

Member Reviews

Fun to hate watch because it's so bad. Get your horror tropes bingo card otherwise it's a dull ride.

9 months ago

I really don’t get all the bad reviews here.i think it was pretty good.I liked it.

10 months ago

I was starting to have fun. Suddenly I wasn't. It could have been such a fun little vampire film with a somewhat different plot than most. But it got real dull real fast.

1 year ago

Fun movie.

2 years ago

95% really great fun, well-paced, acted, written, directed and looks lovely...then ending 5% detours into a pantomime of limp jumps and inverts all that was good. A real shame, but true of sooooooo many films on Shudder :(

2 years ago