The Pale Door
Directed by Aaron B. Koontz
After a botched train robbery, two brothers and their gang of cowboys must survive the night in a ghost town, inhabited by a coven of witches.
After a botched robbery, two brothers and their gang of cowboys must survive the night in a ghost town inhabited by a coven of witches.
Cast: Melora Walters, Zachary Knighton, Stan Shaw, Noah Segan, Bill Sage, Pat Healy
Member Reviews
It was interesting
Oops,pressed post accidentally so heres the rest; I like Mr. Lansdale as a writer,& Mr. Healy as an actor,but their involvement could not lift this tawdry little offering. Some may say I didn't give it enough time,but unless the final half-hour was Exorcist-level shit I think two-thirds of the runtime should be adequate, & to say I missed the point makes my piss itch a little,unless this was the first 'horror' film you'd seen,& even then your expectations were EXTREMELY low,I could see no redeeming features,Pat Healy (& possibly the train-witch girl) deserved better,as did I. I love to sit back & enjoy the ride,but occasionally the ride is so bad you need to find an alternative mode of transport, & indeed destination. This applies to any genre, i am to my core a horror-hound,but do transgress now & then,I recently watched 'the Banshees of Inisherin',not a banshee in sight but an absofeckinlutely awesome & satisfying experience 😵
I'll be honest,i didn't/couldn't finish this one🥴 I got a little excited during the opening credits,Joe R. Lansdale producing,& Pat Healy in the cast,
Very good horror western.
It was actually an okay movie. Better than expected