The Head Hunter
Directed by Jordan Downey
A medieval warrior's gruesome collection of heads is missing only one - the monster that killed his daughter years ago. A SHUDDER EXCLUSIVE.
A medieval warrior's gruesome collection of heads is missing only one - the monster that killed his daughter years ago.
Cast: Christopher Rygh, Cora Kaufman
Member Reviews
This was a pretty good movie, saw the ending coming but it was very well done film.
For a creature feature set in the Renaissance era, not much Renaissance action going on.
Fellow fans of Dungeons & Dragons and The Witcher will undoubtedly find plenty to admire and even inspire within this film, our silent protagonist seemingly being a Witcher pre Trial of the Grasses. It adds up: he doesn't like to talk, his best friend is his horse, he's a master swordsman who knows his herbs and tonics, and he hunts the monsters that the kingdom cannot or does not want to handle. He even decapitates and collects the monster heads (werewolves, goblins, hags, trolls, etc.) for his own collection, opting to hang them in his cabin instead of on his horse. At only 72 minutes long and predominantly silent, the viewer is truly immersed into this bleak world of death and smoke through the natrual sound design of the abandoned woods and Nick Soole's moody musical score.
I'm glad I'm not getting decapitated anytime soon
Ending sucked! Major plot failure, no action or scare at all