The Devils
Directed by Ken Russell
In 17th century France, hunchbacked nun Sister Jeanne lusts after the town’s priest Father Grandier, a sinful but ultimately just man. But when the priest marries, jealous Jeanne accuses Grandier of using witchcraft on her convent, and the other nuns play along, behaving as obscenely as possible. Ken Russell’s savage portrait of religious hypocrisy earned the film the top spot on the list of most controversial horror films ever made. Rarely streaming in the US, THE DEVILS is essential viewing.
Ken Russell’s twisted classic about a nun who accuses a priest of using witchcraft is one of the most controversial horror films of all time.
Cast: Vanessa Redgrave, Oliver Reed, Dudley Sutton
Member Reviews
The best Ken Russell film I've seen so far (they're sadly hard to find), and massive praise to Derek Jarman for those bizarre and magnificent sets. Reed and Redgrave give all they've got to their roles. The story and the dialogue is witty, intelligent and--for something focused on theology and political science--surprisingly natural. Human beings at their best and worst. It sucks that the only version of the film available right now is this one; Russell's original cut must have been magnificent. Still, if I hadn't known the censors and executives tampered with it, I would still give the highest to this movie. I'm so grateful that Shudder got even a crappy version, which is infinitely better than not seeing it at all.
The Devils is in my top five or ten films. Wonderful. Perfect, or near-perfect as this is the censored version. Still, a cutting, dizzyingly stylish, and forever timely piece of work.
Wish this was the uncensored version but, alas, had to go watch the cut scenes in effedupmovies instead :(
Pretty dull movie
An absolute classic