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The Devil Conspiracy

The Devil Conspiracy

Directed by Nathan Frankowski

A cabal of Satanists steals the shroud of Christ putting them in possession of Jesus' DNA. Archangel Michael comes to earth and will stop at nothing to end the devil's conspiracy.

Archangel Michael comes to end the devil's conspiracy.

Cast: Alice Orr-Ewing, Joe Doyle

Member Reviews

This should have been way more fun and campy! If you are going to give me a shot with an angel wearing a leather jacket and holding a shotgun, then I want Schwarzenegger levels of one liners and action!

4 months ago

Was more like a fantasy film than a horror. Poor story line too.

4 months ago

I could not shake the feeling I was being preached to & that this was Christian-based,to each their own,whatever gets you through chaps but not my particular bag & certainly not what I look for in my viewing entertainment. The writing is abominable but some of the visuals were strangely alluring & on fast forwarding (cant recall the last time I did that!) there did seem to be some level of horror shenanigans going on,so maybe I'll try again sometime when I've got a taste for cheese :cheese_wedge: 😋

4 months ago

Just bad in every way. Big production, cheap writing. Like it was written by a sunday school teacher trying to be cool for the kids. It's cringe, you can predict everything that's going to happen and every line. Good if you're into christianity but awful if you want a horror film

4 months ago

Not the horror I was expecting, but certainly an entertaining and enjoyable film, with plenty of gory bits!

4 months ago