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The Demon Disorder

The Demon Disorder

Directed by Steve Boyle

In this demonic family drama, Graham is haunted by his past since the death of his father and the estrangement from his two brothers. Jake, the middle brother, contacts Graham claiming that something is horribly wrong: their youngest brother Phillip is possessed by their deceased father. Graham reluctantly agrees to go and see for himself. With the three brothers back together, they soon realize they are unprepared for the forces against them and learn that the sins of their past will not stay hidden. But how do you defeat a presence that knows you inside and out? An anger so powerful it refuses to stay dead?

Three brothers grapple with the ghost of their father in this demonic nightmare from FX master, Steve Boyle.

Cast: John Noble, Christian Willis, Dirk Hunter, Charles Cottier

Member Reviews

Coulda bin better

4 days ago

this was very good. a little possession, a little body horror, a little creature feature.

5 days ago

Had some cool effects and good scares that put you on edge. The story line was decent with possible darker meanings behind some of the horror. Acting was great. Worth a watch.

1 month ago

The Demon Disorder wasn't too bad, actually. While it doesn't break new ground, this modest little Aussie horror film benefits from very impressive practical effects and some genuinely creepy moments. You will certainly find many worse horror films on this platform. Well worth giing this a crack given its short runtime.

1 month ago

Wow that was definitely interesting, really enjoyed it

1 month ago