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The Coffee Table

The Coffee Table

Directed by Caye Casas

Jesus and Maria are a couple who have just become parents and they decide to buy a new coffee table. A decision that will change their existence.

A couple buy a coffee table which changes their existence.

Cast: David Pareja, Estefanía de los Santos, Josep Maria Riera

Member Reviews

This was awesome. Had me feeling like my heart stopped at times. The soundtrack really adds so much too

1 day ago


1 day ago

The people who made this movie are absolute masters of creating tension and holding onto it until the very end. Love loved this one

6 days ago

anxiety inducing from start to finish. jaw dropping & fantastic.

1 week ago

I had anxiety this whole film. Scary? No, but. . . damn. I do think the little girl ruined the whole thing by just being a 3rd party problem for no reason and made the ending a little less impactful. However, I've never had a film put me on the edge of an anxiety attack for the whole ride. omg I felt so sorry for him, and wild enough this could really happen ngl.

1 week ago