The Christmas Spirit
Directed by Bennet De Brabandere
A lone man with the Christmas Spirit trapped in his head must kidnap a teenage girl in order to save Christmas.
A lone man kidnaps a teenage girl to save Christmas.
Cast: Nicolas Grimes, Eman Ayaz
Member Reviews
Cheaply made. Not good at all.
Surprisingly endearing by the end, though the first 30 minutes are a slog. It picks up with time. It’s never not a budget film, but a fun performance from the girlish young lead “survivor girl” adds a coquettish quality missing from a lot of these goofy horror comedies. The three young homeboys are a surprisingly fun touch too.
REALLY!!!! A complete waste of your time Im sorry but terrible is terrible WTF. . LOL
This is an oddity. It’s dark but not horror. It’s a comedy but not funny. It’s a holiday movie but not heartwarming. I feel like I just watched a dissertation about someone’s personal grieving process and the only person who understands what is going on here is the person who made it.
Thriller-comedy adjacent? Maybe? Less Shudder, more Amazon Prime Video bargain bin. Watchable and occasionally mildly amusing but an overall yawn inducer.