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The Birthday

The Birthday

Directed by Eugenio Mira

A birthday party is not as it seems as Norman Forester (Corey Feldman) uncovers an ancient evil that might bring about the end of the world.

A birthday party is not as it seems.

Cast: Corey Feldman, Jack Taylor, Erica Prior, Richard Felix, Dale Douma, Robert Franke

Member Reviews

Some movies are best enjoyed while high. This one works best while on antibiotics!

5 days ago

not my thing i must be missing somthing just dont get it

1 week ago


2 weeks ago

I'm not sure where all these 4-5 star reviews are coming from. This movie was so incredibly boring and dragged out. I spent the whole movie waiting for some kind of climax to happen that never did. IT was painful to sit through. I wanted to stop watching it, but force myself to finish every movie I start. Longest two hours of my life.

2 weeks ago

you spend the full movie waiting for the other shoe to drop and when it does christ alive

2 weeks ago