Directed by Lawrence Gordon Clark
A family move into a remote country house on the edge of a stone circle. When they decide to have a stone in their garden moved, they unwittingly unleash an ancient curse.
A moved stone unwittingly unleashes an ancient curse.
Cast: John Judd, Jon Laurimore, Kate Binchy, Peter Bowles, Christopher Blake
Member Reviews
Not too bad!!
Excellent, this is why I subscribe to Shudder. BBC was great back then. Highly effective and atmospheric half hour story. I found it interesting that the radio was briefly discussing the Voyager One mission, seems to tie into the monoliths somehow?
That Oh No0oo0 sold me (you'll know what I mean)
The characterization of this one. It's short, but we come to understand so much about the characters in such a short time. Probably one of my favorites in the series.
I recall hearing whispers about this television series in various horror circles so I'm excited they're on Shudder. i wish this particular film were longer!