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Spirit Halloween

Spirit Halloween

Directed by David Poag

When a Halloween store opens in a deserted strip-mall, three friends, thinking they've outgrown trick or treating, decide to spend the night locked inside. But their night of spook-filled fun soon turns to outlandish survival.

Friends spend the night locked inside a deserted strip-mall.

Cast: Donovan Colan, Jaiden J. Smith, Dylan Martin Frankel, Marissa Reyes, Rachael Leigh Cook, Christopher Lloyd

Member Reviews

Good for a kiddo movie! I liked it though I expected more from Christopher Lloyd. Then again, he has been at this for a while. He's entitled to one bad gig.

1 month ago

Even for kid friendly entertainment, it’s a huge misstep and devoid of anything worth watching. If you want something spooky and fun for your kid, watch gravity falls with them and remember that just because it’s for kids doesn’t mean it needs to be brain dead.

2 months ago

Really bad film, I hate kiddie horror movies

3 months ago

Clearly geared towards the Goosebumps/Are You Afraid of the Dark crowd. Anyone with an IQ higher than a sloth realizes that adults are not the target audience here. Was it for me? No, not really. Watched it mostly out of curiosity with my 14 yr old son. Families with grade school-aged kids would most likely enjoy this, as it's not very scary. Although it's TV-14, middle schoolers who are in the 13-14 yr old range would probably be bored with it, as my son was. So, my rating is based off of the target audience it was intended for, & not the pinheads & sloths who can't figure that out.

3 months ago

One of the boringest and worst-written films I have seen in a while. Terrible dialogue that is clearly written by adults who have no idea how kids talk, a lame plot, and terrible acting. The only enjoyable part of this commercial disguised as a terrible movie for teenagers, is Christopher Llyod who is clearing having a blast voicing the animatronics. I can't even tell who the audience of this movie is supposed to be, it isn't scary, it isn't funny, Adults will be bored and teenagers will think it is dumb, and the main characters are all middle schoolers who aren't old enough o watch the movie since it is PG-13. Hard Pass but gets + 1 skull due to Christopher Lloyd.

3 months ago