Directed by Brian Yuzna
A teenager suspects his family are part of a cabal of monstrous socialites who literally prey on the lower classes. Bill’s enjoying life’s privileges when he hears a recording of a family party that suggests it was actually a murderous, incestuous orgy. But that couldn’t be so, could it? Though SOCIETY was released in 1992, it was only recently that its reputation as a masterpiece began to swell like a fleshy blob of aroused aliens. The Cronenbergian final act - filled with outrageously disturbing and blackly comic FX - never loses its power to shock. Essential viewing. Contains strong language, sexual scenes, violence and gore.
A teen suspects his wealthy family are part of a cabal of monstrous socialites.
Cast: Billy Warlock, Devin DeVasquez, Charles Lucia, Patrice Jennings
Member Reviews
A classic piece of 80's wild body horror and totally over the top shenanigans! A lot of fun, even with the hilariously bad/gross out effects. Painfully relevant in 2024 still given your average day in Hollywood and the "elite" classes. Worth a watch to say you've seen it, hits all the tropes just right, plot has all the subtlety of a sledgehammer, but that's not why you're watching this let's face it! Happy Shunting!
Completely bonkers. Loved it!
Always wanted to see this and now i have thanks to Shudder. A splendid mix of 80s cheese, 50s sci fi paranoia and some really twisted imaginative gross out effects. Many memorable scenes
Last half an hour was absolutely nuts.masterpiece
The last 30 minutes were crazy - great film!