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Silence & Darkness

Silence & Darkness

Directed by Barak Barkan

Blind and deaf sisters, Anna and Beth, live happily in a secluded small house with Father. They soon begin to realize Father's intentions are more sinister than they could have imagined.

Two sisters live with a controlling sinister father.

Cast: Mina Walker, Joan Glackin, Jordan Lage

Member Reviews

So, this movie is very different. I wouldn’t even call it a ‘slow burn’ as it was slower than that. When I went into this movie I was super curious how they were going to handle a deaf sister and a blind sister… that part was handled well tho… and it ended well. But, there are a LOT of scenes that are mundane daily activities. Personally, I like movies that that, if you don’t, this one isn’t for you.

1 week ago

Worth a watch

3 weeks ago

Pretty decent, slow, brooding and tense. gets you thinking, worth a watch

1 month ago

they did what its was best for both of them not bad

1 month ago

Bobs and weaves throughout this film. Starts in what I thought was going to go in a great direction but found myself looking to see how much longer it was going to last. Should have been more aggressive with the male lead.

2 months ago