Directed by Simon Barrett
Camille Meadows is the new girl at the prestigious Edelvine Academy for Girls. Soon after her arrival, six girls invite her to join them in a late-night ritual, calling forth the spirit of a dead former student who reportedly haunts their halls. But before morning, one of the girls is dead, leaving the others wondering what they may have awakened.
New girl in school, Camille Meadows joins a late-night ritual to summon an evil spirit. Before morning, one of the girls is dead leaving the others wondering what they may have awakened.
Cast: Suki Waterhouse, Madisen Beaty, Ella-Rae Smith, Inanna Sarkis, Seamus Patterson
Member Reviews
A few good twists done well make for a great flick.
I really enjoyed this movie. It ended up not being what I thought it was going to be, which is actually a good thing. The movie is well paced, too. Original concept, skilled acting, nice slasher moments, just enough gore to satisfy, a couple scare jumps, and some nice bi/lesbian vibes. Gets a five from me
Not bad at all. Nice to see so many talented young actors
The ending is meh
Entertaining but found that this would be what I consider to be more “commercial horror”. Just feels as though this movie doesn’t belong on shudder, just your stock standard streaming apps like Netflix.