Directed by Jayro Bustamante
At an institution for troubled girls in Guatemala City, Rita finds herself at the center of an uprising by the seemingly-magical groups of girls who are sick of being exploited.
Rita finds herself at the center of an uprising.
Cast: Sabrina de la Hoz, Margarita Kénefic, Ernesto Villagran, Glendi Rucal, María Telón, Juan Pablo Olyslager, Ángela Quevedo, Ale Vásquez, Isabel Aldana, Giuliana Santa Cruz
Member Reviews
Great movie
Quite disturbing and thoroughly engaging, with great performances to boot. Some of the attempts at supernatural horror don't fully land, and the monologues are a bit overwrought, but overall this is a really unique and important piece of work. Yes, it's not explicitly "horror" which upsets some Shudder critics, but it is certainly horrific, and more importantly, a great movie. If you liked this and want to see a more grounded short film around the same subject (and have the stomach for it), check out Saria (2019).
Shoutout to user MallowM. The best part of this app are the recs and reviews. Watching now and I love it! Marry Xmas!
Heartbreaking. Wouldn't be surprised if it gets awards recognition.
I agree with the appreciative del Toro comparisons, but if you liked this, try Brazilian director Anita Rocha da Silveira's Medusa (2021) for an interesting comparison of Latin American girl-gang political allegories. Both are visually inventive and moving.