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Directed by Luke Boyce

Tensions rise when a stripper and religious protester are trapped together in a peep show booth and must come together to survive the apocalypse in 1980's Chicago. A SHUDDER ORIGINAL

Tensions rise when a stripper and religious protester are trapped together in a peep show booth and must come together to survive the apocalypse in 1980's Chicago.

Cast: Caito Aase, Shaina Schrooten, Bishop Stevens

Member Reviews

A beautiful fuck you to religious iconography set to the delicious tones of Gunship. it's not a 'scary' film, but a more punk version of the Pilgrims Progess or other such bullshit christian fictional text.

3 weeks ago

I have noticed that a lot of indie films which were probably pitched as horror must have started out as something else. I'm sure the movie Slash/Back, for example, was originally supposed to be about the lives of Inuit youth, but got more funding when it included aliens and zombies. Revealer was probably conceived as a commentary on religious extremism and the need for understanding The Other, but the producers realized they could sell it if they tacked on apocalyptic horror along with cheesy references to the 80s. As usual with disguised message movies, material for a 10-15 min. story got stretched out for nearly 90 minutes. At least we didn't have to see the peep show girl become born again or the religious nut give in to the flesh. Not enough thrills or laughs.

1 month ago


2 months ago

Poorly written garbage. The characters spend a lot of time at odds over their Christian/Atheism faiths, but eventually come to the decision that the Bible is stupid and they should just be lesbians — while the Book of Revelation is literally playing out before their eyes. They fight demons, they watch the sun go dark, and whine about not having been raptured while still talking trash about the Bible and choosing themselves over God. It's like screaming about how sharks don't exist while being eaten by sharks. Contradictory nonsense.

4 months ago

Stupid this movie is bad it’s like hey we get it ur gay yes it’s wrong yes you’re going to hell because of it …. Imagine choosing all the wrong choices your whole life finding you were wrong then feeling entitled…

5 months ago