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[Rec] 3: Genesis

[Rec] 3: Genesis

Directed by Paco Plaza

In the third installment of Paco Plaza’s [REC] series, a couple’s vows are put to the test when a demonic virus turns their wedding guests turn into rabid monsters. Clara and Koldo’s reception is going well, except for their uncle, who seems very unwell. At the party’s peak, he turns into a bloodthirsty being, and soon the guests catch the deadly disease. Can Clara and Koldo make it out alive? Or is the honeymoon over? Plaza veers away from the first two films’ style – leaving the found-footage conceit midway through and ramping up the orgy of blood, DEAD ALIVE-style.

Two newlyweds’ vows are put to the test when their wedding guests turn into rabid monsters.

Cast: Leticia Dolera, Javier Botet, Diego Martin

Member Reviews

This movie is fun! Different from the first few months but I enjoyed the added gore, humour and action. Shows that a chainsaw is really not an easy weapon to handle. Kinda romantic ending.

10 months ago

a whole new perspective of what is happening outside of the apartment, loved it very dramatic at the end BUT kinda sad Angela was not there anymore...kinda miss her ..Angela..

11 months ago

I love this film, it was a riot. Caught me completely by surprise, a lot of fun

1 year ago

Excellent! a film that proves 3rd parts in trilogies arent always naff. Genius setting it at a wedding, and the 1st 15 mins where you get to know the guests are like waiting for a bomb to go off. You know whats coming! and you cant help, but grin when 1 character explains he was bitten by a dog, a nice link to the 1st 2 films. This 1 smartly combines horror and comedy, and much gorier than the 2 preceeding films. Highly recomend.

1 year ago

i did enjoy most of it. it is not a found footage movie like the 1st two movies. which is a shame. but i did enjoy the movie.

1 year ago