Directed by Maxwell Frey, Derek Gibbons
A group of hard-partying Brooklyn hipsters are stalked and savagely murdered by a masked maniac known as the Bushwick Party Killer. Blood-soaked mayhem ensues, from a disembowling to severed fingers to a stoner killed by his own bong!
A group of hard-partying Brooklyn hipsters are stalked and savagely murdered by a masked maniac known as the Bushwick Party Killer.
Cast: Kristen Martin, Clint Keepin, Maxwell Frey, Derek Gibbons, Cirocco Dulap
Member Reviews
this is bad. its not the worst but that aint sayin much.
Great moive. Classik
God awful... ly good
The dude that plays Bill looks like Weird Al Yankovic from the White and Nerdy music video. Dumpster fire movie. Hipster sucks Hipster music sucks and White Hipsters are on the same level as Hardcore Trumpers. They are the worst types of humans. #deportPortland