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Prince of Darkness

Prince of Darkness

Directed by John Carpenter

When a physics professor and his research students are asked to come to an old abandoned church, they don't expect to find a large glass canister of swirling green liquid. As their investigation continues they uncover the shocking truth-- the ooze is really the essence of the Devil himself, and the students have disturbed his slumber! They must fight together to keep Satan and his minions at bay and prevent him from releasing his father, the anti-God, and bringing about the apocalypse! Master of horror John Carpenter will keep you clinging to your armrest in this delightfully terrifying film starring Donald Pleasance, Jameson Parker, and Oscar winner Lisa Blount.

John Carpenter directs this terrifying film about a group of scientists who unknowingly unleash Satan.

Cast: Donald Pleasence, Jameson Parker, Victor Wong, Lisa Blount, Alice Cooper

Member Reviews

I always rewatch and repost when this surfaces. Carpenters Greatest Work. Intelligent and thoughtful horror at it best. The only film out there that takes the time to blend science, nature, religion and philosophy into a smart and well-crafted story arc. I will never be persuaded otherwise.

1 year ago

I will agree this is not his best work, but as far as the apocalypse trilogy goes this one definitely comes in second. The camera work and ambiance alone is frightening and gives off a nebulous vibe. Though the cast work of the primary cast is… Questionable at best and slightly forgettable… It’s the acting by the lesser known people the street folk who do amazing work with what they’ve got. Also the fact that they got Alice Cooper to take part in the movie gives it a bit more of an amusing edge to it. Also the statements of the symbolism that you can catch throughout the film is very interesting… Most importantly if I can give a minor spoiler here……………………….. in the final scene of the film, take a very very close look at the poster that’s shown in the reflection… And you tell me what do you see?

1 year ago

Wow, that was really good.

1 year ago

Who knew that you could get possessed by green gatorade

1 year ago

close to flawless.Turn your speakers up.

1 year ago