Directed by Jennifer Reeder
PERPETRATOR follows Jonny, a wild and impulsive teenage girl living precariously in a town where young women continue to go missing, and the power she's forced to unlock to survive.
A teenage girl must master her secret power to survive.
Cast: Kiah McKirnan, Alicia Silverstone, Christopher Lowell, Melanie Liburd, Ireon Roach, Casimere Jollette, Sasha Kuznetsov
Member Reviews
iykyk, it's for the girls. absolute banger i could watch a whole season of television of this
the girls who get it
So strange, slow, misleading, little to no plot, so many things left unanswered and just a lot of random scenes put together, felt like a whole tv show within a movie that just didn’t lead up to anything. Not a fan, which was sad cause love one of the main actresses.
Reminded me of a new version of ginger snaps
Surreal dark comedy with some heartfelt moments. Unique and tongue in cheek. Fun !