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Directed by Jorg Buttgereit

A twisted man brings home a corpse for him and his wife to use sexually in this controversial cult hit from German director Jörg Buttgereit. Rob and Betty are hardcore necrophiliacs. But when Betty runs away with the decaying corpse Rob's brought home, things get really, really messed up. Though NEKROMANTIK was banned in many countries thanks to its extreme subject matter, the film's perverse parodic edge made it a hit with horror and extreme cinema fans (including John Waters) in 1987. Even today, it's not for the faint of heart - or easily offended. (In German with English Subtitles) Contains strong language, sexual scenes, violence and gore.

A twisted couple practice necrophilia in this controversial cult hit.

Cast: Bernd Daktari Lorenz, Beatrice Manowski, Harald Lundt

Member Reviews

This movie does one thing extremely well and it's being gross. Apparently at the cost of all other aspects of film making but if you just want a series of gross out images to look at this is the place.

2 days ago

Incredibly repulsive and funny.

6 days ago

Not my proudest nut.

1 week ago

Scariest thing was the close up of the dude peeing on his hands.

2 weeks ago

Boring and idiotic! Really disappointing!!

3 weeks ago