My Heart Can't Beat Unless You Tell It To
Directed by Jonathan Cuartas
Dwight and his sister Jessie reach a crossroads over what to do about their younger brother Thomas' mysterious illness. The increasingly dangerous task of keeping him alive weighs heavy on sensitive Dwight, and as a fiercely private and close-knit family unit, Thomas and Jessie depend on him and the rituals they've learned in order to keep their secret. Dwight yearns for another life, but Jessie will stop at nothing to keep her family together.
Dwight and his sister Jessie reach a crossroads over what to do about their younger brother Thomas, a sickly child with a mysterious affliction.
Cast: Patrick Fugit, Ingrid Sophie Schram, Owen Campbell
Member Reviews
amazing story driven vampire flick
This movie was raw, and made you question what the moral thing would be to do. The director did a great job at showing that people will do anything for family, no matter how absurd and obscene. Their lives are bleak, but Jessie and Dwight have something, better yet someone, to live for. How far would you go for someone you care for?
So happy I gave this movie a chance it reminded me alot of let me in just way more fast with the action kills and storyline. The way its shot the area its shot in all help the mood and atmosphere of the movie. Some parts were a little slow but I really felt for three main characters and it was a very unique look at vampirism. Everything about it just meshed together perfectly for me to create a haunting dark vampire movie. Loved it.
boring to be honest when theres so many ways it could be interesting
Pretty and simple but good