The Reflecting Skin
Directed by Philip Ridley
Seth is a mischievous eight-year-old growing up in the harsh realities of 1950s rural Idaho. But his whole world changes the day he decides the widowed neighbor woman, Dolphin Blue, is a vampire. Inspired by his father’s stories, Seth begins to believe she is responsible for the terrible events happening around him. His obsession continues to grow when Cameron comes home…and falls head over heels for his worst enemy.
A mischievous boy finds out his neighbor is a vampire in this dreamy gem.
Cast: Codie Lucas Wilbee, Viggo Mortensen, Jeremy Cooper, Jeff Walker, Duncan Fraser
Member Reviews
Gorgeous film.
this film is deadly
i really wanted to like it... bad acting, mostly awful dialogue, no real plot at all. every character either a dreadful human, or just very annoying, with a few exceptions. i dunno i can imagine certain people REALLY liking it but i wouldnt bother personally
This film is getting so many 1 star reviews from what sound like the typical short-attention span modern movie-watcher that I have put it in my watch-list. It MUST be good.
A surreal tale of childhood loss of innocence. Some beautiful shots, some completely overblown combined with mostly dreadful acting (Lindsay Duncan aside who does a fine job as the oddly named Dolphin Blue) make for an unusual cinematic experience. Oh and a score that’s more bloated than that poor frog.