Directed by Tilman Singer
In this slick, stylish, disturbing horror, Luz is a young cab driver fleeing from the grasp of a possessed woman, whose confession could endanger the lives of everyone who crosses her path.
Fleeing from the grasp of a possessed woman, a young woman could endanger the lives of everyone who crosses her path.
Cast: Johannes Benecke, Jan Bluthardt, Lilli Lorenz, Julia Riedler
Member Reviews
Good thing this was more of a short film than it was a movie
Wasn’t my vibe. Still not totally clear on what the point of it was.
Very smart and artsy but way too pretentious. Boring and weird. Not scary at all, more like a bizarre drama.
Fascinating take on the possession movie and great use of a single location.
i liked it. i thought it was unique and worth the watch. suspenseful.