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Loop Track

Loop Track

Directed by Thomas Sainsbury

A man on the verge of a breakdown disappears from society by hiking in the New Zealand wilderness. Despite his avoidance, he befriends other hikers.

Hikers can't shake the feeling something is stalking them.

Cast: Thomas Sainsbury, Hayden J. Weal, Kate Simmonds, Tawanda Manyimo

Member Reviews

Suspenseful, compelling; and refreshingly, I didn't at all see where this one was going. Warning: don't scroll down to read any further; too many "reviewers" here are fine with spoiling the idea of the twist.

4 hours ago

Very good movie with a unique twist.

6 hours ago

This is a fantastic little gem of a horror. New Zealand is a cool backdrop, and I can say I was absolutely not expecting THAT!

7 hours ago

4 out of 5 (and not 5) only because there were story elements that were unnecessary for a good execution. But, other than themes that are likely "pay to play" requirements by the studios, financiers, and distributors (which is now, more and more, the internet) and have become ubiquitous features in the majority of films, this was very well executed. They didn't go for the cheap jump scare. They lit a slow fuse and let in burn in near-flawless timing. The reveal is well done. This far exceeded expectations.

13 hours ago

i loved this and didnt expect the twist

1 day ago