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Directed by Robert Mockler

A reckless loner (Addison Timlin, LITTLE SISTER) sets out on a crime spree that she broadcasts on social media. After releasing a video of herself robbing a convenience store, she amasses a huge following. While traveling along the coast, she encounters a drifter, an Internet troll, and a paint huffing outsider who are all pulled into her visually arresting circle of chaos, junk food, and drugs.

A young woman sets out on a crime spree that she broadcasts on social media.

Cast: Addison Timlin, Ian Nelson, Larry Fessenden, Jeremy Gardner

Member Reviews

Yes mr president

1 year ago

Yes me president

1 year ago

A very good movie I would definitely recommend

2 years ago

the only aspect that is deserving is that its different. unique. horror, no. crap ,yes. boring, completely. attractive girl, kinna. no man is an island but this sure is. fuck sake. i can do better than this.

2 years ago

very pretty film, it was super colourful and dead cosy and dreamy. It wasn't really a scary movie, the events were all scary but not told in a scary way since it's from the perspective of the troublesmaker. It felt very intimate and surreal, and perfect to watch on the smoke like x

2 years ago