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Directed by Justin McConnell

A mysterious shapeshifter - who steals the form, memories, and lives of his victims, leaving behind a withered husk of a corpse - sets out on a blood-soaked mission to make things right with the woman he loves.

A mysterious shapeshifter sets out on a blood-soaked mission to make things right with the woman he loves.

Cast: Lora Burke, Jack Foley, Elitsa Bako

Member Reviews

definitely a dark and twisted love story which i enjoyed it myself and I've not seen a movie of the concept a skinwalker falling in love with a human and it definitely makes more sense when you watch the movie, i wouldn't describe this movie straight up horror

5 months ago

i've never seen a movie about a shape shifter or skin walker before ever and this is a really unique horror movie that i've never seen before....

5 months ago

this shapeshifter sucks the life out of people and they take people's memories and looks and the dialogue and script could of been more better and it doesn't tell the victim's point of view.

5 months ago

this horror movie is really interesting and this shapeshifter sucks the life out of a person and this person takes people's memories and looks!!!

5 months ago

this horror movie is interesting and this shapeshifter takes the look and memories of people and this person sucks the life out of people and this is a unique horror movie lifechanger...

5 months ago