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Jessica Forever

Jessica Forever

Directed by Caroline Poggi, Jonathan Vinel

Jessica is the leader of a group of lost boys with a violent past who now seek peace and harmony. She is the only one to have ever brought them love and understanding. They only wish to create a world where they can live in peace together, and forever. A SHUDDER ORIGINAL.

Jessica is the leader of a group of lost boys with a violent past, who now seek peace and harmony.

Cast: Aomi Muyock, Lukas Ionesco, Maya Coline, Paul Hamy

Member Reviews

This is a good choice if you want something to nap through.

3 months ago

Like a kiss from a beautiful and mysterious stranger. This film will haunt you and you may find yourself thinking about it long afterwards. Ultimately we are left with much mystery and unanswered questions, so much more we wanted to see and to know. This is a special film to those who resonate with it.

3 months ago

it cna be hard to get over the "combat gear" but every single other thing in the movie is gorgeous. by the end i just wanted more of it and to hear from more of the characters.

5 months ago

not overly impressed but not as bad as some of the reviews - it was ok

7 months ago

The only good thing about the movie is the soundtrack...

8 months ago