Directed by Doran Paz, Yoav Paz
Two American girls on vacation follow a mysterious and handsome anthropology student on a trip to Jerusalem. The party is cut short when the trio is caught in the middle of a biblical apocalypse. Trapped between the ancient walls of the holy city, the three travelers must survive long enough to find a way out as the fury of hell is unleashed upon them.
Two American girls on vacation follow a mysterious anthropology student on a trip to Jerusalem.
Cast: Yael Grobglas, Yon Tumarkin, Danielle Jadelyn
Member Reviews
nice, a good found footage 👍
Scare-free garbage featuring annoying characters only. Nothing happens until around 50 minutes into the movie and the main character pretty much sobs and whines and cries from that point on until the end.
Great story and I didn't mind the format. Fun found footage flick. Would recommend.
Very good. Original, in terms of the threat, certainly! I liked this a lot. Plus, the music mostly SLAPS.
Really good, scary and good story. WATCH IT NOW!!!