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Jack Frost

Jack Frost

Directed by Michael Cooney

A serial killer is transformed into an evil snowman in this 90’s camp horror favorite. En route to his execution, the vehicle carrying super-psycho Jack Frost collides with a van carrying genetic chemicals, turning him into “the world’s most pissed off snow cone.” As the night wears on, the scary snowman carries out a series of gruesome, hilarious murders and plays “hide the carrot” with Shannon Elizabeth in a scene that’s as disturbing as it is funny. Lovers of holiday horror flicks (and low-budget, anti-PC genre fare) should be adding this to their Xmas list.

A serial killer is transformed into an evil snowman in this 90’s camp horror favorite.

Cast: Christopher Allport, Scott MacDonald, Shannon Elizabeth

Member Reviews

-1 star for cheesy but I love it because it's absolutely terrible. WAY better than the Michael Keaton totally not George Clooney vehicle.

3 years ago

If you like Chucky, you should enjoy this one

3 years ago

Started strong but fizzled halfway. Rape scene is fucked up….

3 years ago

Started str

3 years ago

Another dismal "campy" "cult classic"...the problem is, if to try to make a camp cult classic, you're intentionally making a lousy movie. Self-aware intentional badness just ends up being a painful slog. This movie stinks.

3 years ago