Directed by Gasper Noe
French provocateur Gaspar Noe’s controversial arthouse thriller travels back in time to tell the story of a couple who experience an act of brutal violence that changes their lives forever. The film begins with the aftermath, as Marcus (Vincent Cassel, BLACK SWAN) hunts for the assailant in an S&M club, then jumps back to the tunnel where Alex (Monica Belucci, SPECTRE) is savagely attacked in one famously excruciating 9-minute shot. But the biggest shock comes at the end, which is actually the beginning of this savage story. Though the not-for-the-easily-triggered film bitterly divided audiences, it remains a must-see for fans of the Euro-shock era of the 2000’s.
A French couple experience a brutal act of violence that changes their lives forever.
Cast: Monica Bellucci, Vincent Cassel, Albert Dupontel
Member Reviews
If the story were told chronologically, no one would give a sh*t about this movie--that's how unoriginal the actual plot is. They had to play it backwards to make the story seem interesting. This movie is SO overrated. Gratuitous for the sake of being gratuitous. no one needs to see graphic rape reversed or otherwise.
Different. Decent.
Gaspar Noe is a great filmmaker who makes inventively shot and interestingly edited films that I find extremely unpleasant and unenjoyable to watch. There's always some amazing visual aspect EG Enter The Void. But the subject matter and scenes are always so fucking miserable. The guy's movies have the most cursed vibes. Just not my cup of tea.
disturbing, shocking, raw, brutal, artsy and emotional but filmed in a way that is not for everyone.