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In the Trap

In the Trap

Directed by Alessio Liguori

Philip, a solitary proof reader, is trapped in his apartment, too afraid to leave and tortured by an unknown evil force that has kept him prisoner for the last two years.

Philip is trapped in his apartment, too afraid to leave.

Cast: Jamie Paul, David Bailie, Sonya Cullingford

Member Reviews

“Here you go, spaghetti with tomatoes….” “This is amazing…..did you invent it?” World class dialogue.

2 weeks ago

Acting ruined it, DNF

1 month ago

conflicting flavours

2 months ago

So, i feel like scenes that would provide context have been cut - a lot of dark/barely visible scenes [seems like directors have forgotten how to shoot in the dark without it being literally a black screen] The acting is passable... the storyline is very same old same old. watchable but not rewatchable.

2 months ago

I agree with the review below. THe ending was unsatisfactory because you didn't know what was really real.

2 months ago