Final Exam
Directed by Jimmy Huston
A psycho killer shows up on college campus to slash up pretty co-eds and dumb jocks.
A psycho killer shows up on college campus.
Cast: Cecile Bagdadi, Joel S. Rice, Ralph Brown
Member Reviews
Solid slasher. Very Straight forward.
It’s not for everyone, but if you like cheesy 80s slashers, this is a fun one.
I was actually really surprised at how much I enjoyed this movie! The acting and score was a little odd - the only way I can think to describe it is like satellite television show acting? That may not be relatable to everyone. But regardless of how odd the acting felt - its what really sold me on the film. All the characters are so unique and odd in their own ways that it genuinely bummed me out when they died because it meant I couldn’t see what crazy shit they did next even if they weren’t written all that spectacularly. Also - a lot of the kills were more creative than I was expecting? I would definitely watch this again!
what was with the disney score
dude it was just some guy. IT WAS JUST SOME GUY