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Empathy, Inc

Empathy, Inc

Directed by Yedidya Gorsetman

After losing a big deal, Joel has hit rock bottom. Desperate for a win, he begins seeking investors for Empathy, Inc, a VR startup offering users the experience of a less fortunate life. Joel soon discovers that all is not what it seems…

An investor in a VR startup discovers that the reality the company provides isn't virtual.

Cast: Zack Robidas, Kathy Searle, Jay Klaitz, Eric Berryman

Member Reviews

This is a quality low budget crime horror. Not a lot of room for special effects due to the budget but the film itself looks great with a decent atmosphere and some effective ways in generating suspense and tension. It takes these interesting ideas and molds them into a beautiful film that engages you with everything it’s trying to say. A lot of minimalistic aspects to this from the score, to writing, to cinematography, and everything but all are executed extremely well with much depth. The black and white photography works really well for the story and I thought the lead's performance was fantastic.

3 years ago

Took me a bit to really get into it, and the gaps in "how" the tech works bothers me on an admittedly nitpicky level - but slowly and steadily increased in likeability as it progressed.

3 years ago

Interesting alternative future concept where someone has invented the means to switch consciousness between bodies. The tech comes off as ridiculous and silly, but overall, it's an entertaining movie.

3 years ago

black mirror comparisons are pretty fair

3 years ago


3 years ago