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Dr. Tarr's Torture Dungeon

Dr. Tarr's Torture Dungeon

Directed by Juan López Moctezuma

A mysterious man is sent into the forest to investigate the bizarre behavior of the notorious Dr. Tarr. What he stumbles upon is the doctor's torture dungeon, a hellish asylum completely cut off from civilization and presided over by the ultimate madman. Innocent people have been savagely chained, tortured and stuck in glass cages, then forced to take part in gruesome games of ritual slaughter.

Based on an Edgar Allan Poe story, this outrageous horror/fantasy will surely blow your mind!

Cast: Ellen Sherman, Martin LaSalle, Claudio Brook, David Silva, Arthur Hansel

Member Reviews

It was ok

2 months ago

That was like if Jodorowsky decided to make a film based on (The System of) Dr. Tarr & Professor Fether using Bosh's Garden of Earthly Delight's as inspiration. Bravo!

6 months ago

i want to see the movie that was happening in the first ten minutes of this one

6 months ago

I have no idea what to really make of this besides it being super strange I wasn't really following any specifics of what was happening. All I could take from it was he was visiting the castle and the Dr. was an evil imposter. It was weird and weirdness is good so if you can handle it it's another movie watched here .

10 months ago

Oh my stars, If I'm not mistaken, my folks took me to see this juggernaut at the drive-in theatre when I was just 3 years old. I'll never look at them the same. But, then again, it was the early 70s. At least they made one helluva sweet movie poster!

11 months ago