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Dr. Caligari

Dr. Caligari

Directed by Stephen Sayadian

Psychedelic reworking of the 1920 German classic. Mrs Van Houten, is a woman whose libido is dangerously out of control. There's only one place for her: the Caligari Insane Asylum!

A woman with a wild libido is sent to the Caligari Asylum!

Cast: Madeleine Reynal, Fox Harris, Laura Albert

Member Reviews

The worst fever dream imaginable.

1 month ago

I love shudder for allowing me to see this endlessly quotable arthouse softcore nonsense in full remastered glory! I find this so entertaining but could not confidently recommend it to anybody without them thinking I'm a pervert.

1 month ago

Absolutely bonkers.

1 month ago

I'm struggling to give this one a rating - it's visually spectacular (and disturbing) and plays out more like a stage show than a movie. There is sort of a story which you can just about follow and the characters are memorably bizarre. On the other hand there's a lot going on which seems to be just weird for weirdness sake. I think its helped by a short run time, if it had gone on much longer I'm not sure I would have made it.

1 month ago

Every scene in this movie is quotable. It's chaotic and campy.

1 month ago