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Directed by Hideo Nakata

Everything seems to be going well on director Murai’s new film, a period piece set in World War Two. But when the crew screens the dailies, they see a ghostly image from another film shoot, with a scary actress who seems strangely familiar. As the shoot progresses, disturbing spiritual sightings send everyone over the edge. Will Murai finish his film? Or will the ghost curse the production for good? Hideo Nakata’s exceptionally eerie debut first introduced the idea of an angry apparition dwelling in a film image, two years before his similarly themed follow-up RINGU kicked off the J-Horror phenomenon.

A Japanese film crew shooting a period piece are haunted by the angry ghost of an actress.

Cast: Yurei Yanagi, Yasuyo Shirashima, Kei Ishibashi, Ren Osugi, SABU

Member Reviews


5 years ago

All in all, it was a decent spook but the weird music choices basically ruined it for me. Also, I enjoyed the uncomfotable feel of it for sure but at times, it was a little perplexing and seemed to lead nowhere. The acting was great and the pratical effects too. I am no expert on J horror but this seems to be one of the weakest out there... although it does show promise as a first feature film for Hideo Nakata.

5 years ago

It's okay. The only reason I rated it as 4 skulls is because I'm a sucker for Japanese ghosties. If ghosts are your guilty pleasure, it's worth a watch. Otherwise, probably won't be that interesting.

5 years ago

Nice little ghost story with a few effective scares. The thing I love about Asian ghosts is that they will just fuck you up for no just happened to cross their path. In most western ghost stories, there is some element of morality or justice brought in....a righting of wrong or balancing the scales. In the Asian films I've seen, it's usually people who are just going about there lives and a ghost decides for whatever reason to target them. Ultimately the randomness makes it much scarier.

5 years ago

I found this movie very interesting and I greatly appreciate it's length. I wish more movies were only around this long. I don't have much patience to watch 2 1/2 hour long movies anymore. Great to see how this movie inspired so many video games, manga, and movies after it. You can really see the impact it had. Great ghost story.

6 years ago