Directed by John Hsu
Set during the Taiwanese martial law of the 1960s, this shockingly gruesome and terrifying coming-of-age drama based on a hugely popular video game sees two classmates who go looking for their missing friends and teachers, all of whom took part in an illegal book club, only to come face to face with ghosts and deformed monsters that have taken over their school.
Set during Taiwanese martial law of the 1960s, this terrifying coming-of-age drama sees two classmates go looking for their missing friends and teachers only to come face to face with ghosts and monsters that have taken over their school.
Cast: Gingle Wang, Meng-Po Fu, Hung Chang Chu, Jing-Hua Tseng
Member Reviews
pretty good, pretty sad
Detention is a great game, love that it was made into a movie. The CGI was reminiscent of video games, not a good or bad thing. The scariest part was the government. A warning to us all.
Really good movie with an interesting story and a scary setting. Some few CGI shots didn’t look that good but everything else was great. The actors also did a good job.
ooky spooopy
Big Silent Hill vibes here and from me that's a big giant ass endorsement.