Directed by Joseph Winter, Vanessa Winter
Deadstream follows a disgraced internet personality who tries to win back his followers by livestreaming himself at an abandoned haunted house. When he accidentally unleashes a vengeful spirit, his comeback event becomes a real-time fight for his life. A SHUDDER ORIGINAL
In this audacious box of horrors, an internet personality tries to win back followers by livestreaming himself in a haunted house.
Cast: Joseph Winter, Melanie Stone
Member Reviews
Fun movie that spoofs on haunted house livestreamers, not scary but i dont think it really was meant to be. its enjoyable as a dark comedy but bad as a horror movie
pretty neat ffm
It was way funnier and better than I thought it would be. Humor def hits and is relatable to today's idea of popular streamers and influencers. Scares hit in the right spots, so even if you expect them, they're still effective. Overall, I'm not a horror/comedy person, but this movie has been the first to make me consider changing that stance. Worth a watch and even better with friends!
Loved it
Hilarious movie. Great performance from both actors and great effects.